Sunday, March 18, 2007

uni bro meeting...

just came back... yeah... a little late in the night... but it was all worth it... i had a meeting just now... with WJ, ben, tim, weilong, jan and me... it was a wonderful time of open sharing and somehow, i felt that it is going to be the begining of spiritual revival in uni district... esp the brothers! we had discussed some things that can help the brothers to grow to become leaders in the future... this is afterall what God had in mind for man... man are suppose to lead as a shepherd, a watever L, a husband and a father... so brothers... be excited! be anxious about everything that is to come... revival is coming...
the sad part is that i lost 2X dota... haha... WJ & WL just like to gang me... :(


Anonymous said...

finally got new posts...
i tot i will see the eagle brand advertisement's picture again. Lol

Nathaniel said...

lol let me guess the line-up, ben u jan VS wj wl tim? dun worry, next time i sub jan we go challenge them again :)

ellson said...

no la, kc... not about the line-up... just that i was too chiong... haha..